Required Forms
All required forms can be accessed through Active (our registration site) on your camper’s profile. Alternatively, forms can be emailed to CTAS at It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that all forms are submitted and up-to-date at the time of the deadline in addition to at the time of camp. If forms are not completed by the requested deadlines, or if forms are found to not be up-to-date at the time of camp, your camper may be dismissed from CTAS. Additional forms/waivers may be added and required for camp attendance as seen fit by CTAS and CTL.
Waivers with required acknowledgment at time of registration:
Caregiver Statement of Understanding
CTAS and CTL Waiver
CTAS Tuition Refund Policy
Authorization for Healthcare
Forms required by 5/1/24:
Scholarship Application Form (for those interested)
Confirmation of Diagnosis form signed by physician (required of first-time campers only)
Forms due by 5/15/24:
ACA Physical Exam Form signed by physician
ACA Health History Form completed by parent/guardian
Immunization Form
Forms due by 6/1/24:
Camper Medical/ Medication Form
Due by ARRIVAL at camp on 6/30/24:
Exhibit 2 Waiver (to be signed at camp)
CTAS Waiver/Exhibit 2 (to be signed at camp)
Parent Acknowledgement Form (to be signed at camp)
Authorization for Healthcare (to be signed at camp)
Camper and Parent Code of Ethics (to be signed at camp)
CTL Pre-Camp Screening Form
The following is subject to change: COVID-19 PCR/ At Home Rapid Test with Results dated within 24 hours of arrival at camp
Note: Additional forms may be added as needed. Communication regarding camper forms will be provided via email.